Weeks of 7/30/24 - 8/20/24

Shipped Features 🛳️

These features are all live in production - go ahead and try them out!

Ongoing Prototypes 👀

Discovery Feed Improvements

We’re shipping daily, weekly, and monthly time period summaries in the feed in the coming week. If there are specific filters, metrics, or cards you’d like to see, please send us ideas!

Gong Integration

We’re working on Gong as our 1st direct integration for call recordings - this will ingest call transcripts and automatically analyze sales conversations for top blockers and feature requests so it’s easier for teams to measure and prioritize sales concerns.

Prototyping use cases for Chat

We’re scoping out how to bring a chat or improved doc interface into Inari to make it easier for users to search for ad-hoc information, synthesize takeaways into new insights and issues, and better brainstorm and prioritize. We’d love to hear about use cases or needs to consider here!